Two stumblebum inheritors are determined to rid their antique house of a mouse who is equally determined to stay where he is. Dubbing Artists : Suneth Chithrananda, Sangeeth Kalubowila, Dilrukshi Vijesooriya, Hileriyan Perera, Sandun Wijesiri, Melani Ashoka, Hashinika Karaliyadda, Somasiri …
Download »Tag Archives: Sinhala Dubbed
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004) REMASTERED Sinhala Dubbed BluRay 720p & 1080p
Harry, Ron and Hermoine return to Hogwarts just as they learn about Sirius Black and his plans to kill Harry. However, when Harry runs into him, he learns that the truth is far from reality.
Download »Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002) REMASTERED Sinhala Dubbed BluRay 720p & 1080p
A house-elf warns Harry against returning to Hogwarts, but he decides to ignore it. When students and creatures at the school begin to get petrified, Harry finds himself surrounded in mystery.
Download »Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone (2001) REMASTERED Sinhala Dubbed BluRay 720p & 1080p
Harry Potter, an eleven-year-old orphan, discovers that he is a wizard and is invited to study at Hogwarts. Even as he escapes a dreary life and enters a world of magic, he finds trouble awaiting him.
Download »Ice Age 3: Dawn of the Dinosaurs (2009) Sinhala Dubbed BluRay 720p & 1080p
Ice Age 2: The Meltdown (2006) Sinhala Dubbed BluRay 720p & 1080p
Ice Age (2002) Sinhala Dubbed BluRay 720p & 1080p
Xuan Zang (2016) Sinhala Dubbed BluRay 720p
Chinese-Indian historical adventure of Xuanzang's seventeen-year overland journey to India during the Tang dynasty in the seventh century.
Download »Scooby-Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed (2004) Sinhala Dubbed Bluray 720p & 1080p
Dubbing Artists : Gaminda Priyaviraj, Himali Ranaweera, Sithara Pavithrani, Thushan Vijesekara, Suneth Chithrananda, Athula Jayasinghe, Banura Malith Hettiarachchi, Ulapane Gunasekara, Melani Ashoka, Silindu Ranwala, Malshani Kure, Dilrukshi Vijesooriya, Manel Wanaguru, Mayura Mahaarachchi, Darmapriya Dias, Asanga Perera, Kasun Jayawardhena, Danushka Vaidyasekara, …
Download »Scooby-Doo (2002) Sinhala Dubbed Bluray 720p & 1080p
Barot House (2019) Sinhala Dubbed
A series of inexplicable and gruesome killings tear the Barot family apart and destroy the close relationship between father and son. Who could be behind this mindless slaughter? When the truth is discovered, it throws the family into further turmoil. …
Download »Baby (2015) Sinhala Dubbed
An elite counter-intelligence unit learns of a plot, masterminded by a maniacal madman. With the clock ticking, it’s up to them to track the terrorists’ international tentacles and prevent them from striking at the heart of India. Download Baby (2015) …
Download »Baadshah (1999) Sinhala Dubbed
A small time detective is mistaken as a CBI agent and gets embroiled in a deadly mission to save the Chief Minister from an assassination attempt. Download Baadshah (1999) – Sinhala Dubbed Bluray 1080p x265 HEVC AAC 2CH – 1.79GB
Download »Avanthika (2017) Sinhala Dubbed
A clash between Myth and Reality. Download Avanthika (2017) – Sinhala Dubbed HDRip 720p x264 AAC 2CH – 1.2GB
Download »Agni Devi (2019) Sinhala Dubbed HDRip 720p
A policeman is asked to stop investigating the murder of a journalist because of pressure from Shakuntala Devi, a powerful politician.
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